Just a quick update and other things you might find interesting.

The site is growing and feedback is great. I particularly love the fact that so many of you are adding your own artwork to the site. Please join in here Your paintings

Congratulations to Anita Juliette who contacted me with the news of her first sale. Anita is a regular user of the site and has been diligently practicing painting and drawing for the last year and a half.

She is busy building on her success by creating an online presence at Artspan

I was asked recently to add some pages to How to Draw and Paint Smart.com

This wonderful site has diverse lessons by several excellent artists from different disciplines, not least by the owner Michael Thoenes

You'll even find a picture of me and see what I look like after twelve hours of painting!

New Pages

Click here to see the latest pages added to the site:


Many thanks to all of you who have purchased Drawing Animals in Pencil.

I'm painfully aware of what hard financial times we are all going through and that expensive books and ebooks are not at the top of our priorities. With this in mind I am looking to produce very inexpensive art ebooks at small prices in the near future. I'll also work on some freebies in addition to the free content on the site.

Finally, I am now promoting Rex Art Supplies.

See the Best Art Materials Here

You can reach me here https://www.from-sketch-to-oil-painting.com/contactus.html

I always answer messages from users of the site.

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